September 9, 2009

Smile! :-)

It was the long weekend again just last week, so Daddy and Mummy got to spend lots and lots of time with me. They played with me at home, and brought me out kai-kai to Youth Park (but I was grumpy then and wanted to go home).

On Monday they brought me to Ah Mah's house and in the evening, I was happily smiling and playing. I was in the best of moods Mummy and Daddy had ever seen :)

Mummy and Daddy say I should smile more because I look so pretty when I smile:

Do you agree?

And this is the biggest smile I have given to-date!

Daddy was playing with me; I was so excited.

Now tired already, so Mummy can smile instead!


  1. You do look pretty Hannah with your lovely smile................

  2. ya Hannah looks pretty smiling!

  3. awww... she looks good when she smiles.. make her smile more! :)

    ahhaha, pic with mummy, she looks grumpy again..

  4. hannah is cute when she smile! :) i like her spiky hair :)



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