September 6, 2009

Little Hannah went to Youth Park

This morning Hannah woke up very early, surprisingly, and she did not go back to sleep after her early morning feed, which she usually does. So we decided to take her out to Youth Park for some fresh air.

This is actually the first time that we have brought her out to a public place, but we were still rather apprehensive due to the A(H1N1) virus.

So anyway, we packed up our things and took her out. We were hoping that she wouldn't get cranky because at that time was usually her mid-morning nap time. All the same, she wasn't too happy, however, probably because she indeed wanted to sleep, and also because of the new environment. So we were there probably about 15 minutes only and then decided to take her home. After having her milk in the car, she slept all the way home.

We took some photos at Youth Park this morning. See her face. Not happy! So garang...

She was quite contented for awhile when I took her to sit on the swing. She probably liked the movement going back and forth.

Mummy and Daddy managed to snap a few photos with Hannah, and then it was time to go home!

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1 comment:

  1. She looks like she is ready to pick a fight with someone ????
    "Don't you people know how to look at the clock ??
    My NAP time ..............!!!!



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