Each of the food given is significant in its own way. Hannah was first given a small piece of fish to taste. Fish symbolises wealth and prosperity. Next up was the chicken tongue. This was so that she can be eloquent in her speech! Amah told her so that she can talk like a lawyer like her Mummy and Daddy. Haha. The last was a tiny bit of chicken meat. There was nothing really special about that but since the whole chicken was already steamed, might as well let her try some!
Her expressions while tasting the food were really funny. It was as if she was wondering what are these strange tastes and her face wrinkled up when she tasted them. The pictures taken are a bit shaky because she was moving around a lot!

When it was over, we got to take a rare family photo. Oh, by the way, did we mention that she likes cheese cake? We put a little bit on a spoon for her to taste and she licked the spoon clean :) In any event, Hannah will only start eating solid food proper when she is 6 months old. For now, she still needs to drink her milk milk!
On Sunday morning, it was time for her to see Dr Mary to get her injections. I took a photo with her before we left for the hospital. At the hospital, she was happily smiling away even when the doctor was measuring her height and head. Up until she got her injections, that is. The moment the needle pricked her, she opened her mouth and wailed. She got two injections so two big fits of crying. Soon after that, however, she calmed down. She slept all the way home in the car. Poor baby.
In the afternoon, after her nap, it was time for Hannah's first proper haircut! Her Amah volunteered to take up the job so Daddy carried Hannah while Amah tried to cut her hair. But she was wriggling around too much so not much could be cut off except from the front and back. The sides were a bit long too but couldn't really cut off much hair from there because we were afraid that the scissors might slip and cut her ear since she couldn't sit still.
The last picture is the finished product. See any difference? I don't really see much difference! :p

So it was a busy busy weekend for both Hannah and us! But it was a lot of fun (except when Hannah got pricked!). We look forward to many happy busy weekends with our little princess :)
wow, daddy mummy naughty, introduce hannah junk food so young ^_^