November 29, 2009

My first proper haircut

Like I mentioned yesterday, today there was to be another "first" for me! :) I was to have my first proper haircut. My hair has been cut before, during my full moon and again at 4 months, but that was done by Ah Mah and she did not really dare to cut off a lot because I am very wriggly so she was afraid she might accidentally cut me.

However, Aunty Sue's sister is a professional hairstylist and she has very kindly offered to give me my first proper haircut! Ah Mah says its about time because my hair is getting long and uneven and poking into my eyes and neck. Okay, so everybody, look at my old hairstyle for the last time! This photo was taken just this afternoon before my haircut.

Here we go: the process of cutting my hair. This was done in Aunty Sue's house. I kept moving my head from left to right. That's why we need a professional to get it done. Neither Mummy nor Daddy nor Ah Mah would have dared to cut my hair with me moving around so much. Aunty Sue's sister is very skilled; she just went snip snip and it was all gone!

This is the finished look. This photo was actually taken much later at home because Mummy couldn't get a nice picture earlier. How do I look? Different? :)

After cutting my hair, it was time for a bath! I was all wrapped up in the penguin towel when I finished bathing. See, it's so cute! :)

After getting dressed, I rolled around on Aunty Sue's bed for awhile. I really made myself at home :p Aunty Sue got a nice shot of me here. As usual, my hand was in my mouth.

Later, look what Mummy and Aunty Sue did to me! :p They couldn't resist dressing me up with Baby Sarah's various hair accessories. See, nice or not? :)

Oh, by the way, Daddy went for a haircut today too! The top picture was Daddy and me this morning (see, we have the same hairstyle! :p) and the bottom picture was both of us after a haircut. Hannah and Daddy lookalike! :)

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  1. How come mummy didn't get a haircut one :P

  2. Yalor..haha..Mummy is waiting for her hair to grow a bit longer so she can go and perm :)



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