November 10, 2009

My Top 5 Treat List

I was walking alone in the forest one day, happily enjoying the cool breeze against my cheek, enjoying God's beautiful creation and lost in my thoughts. Suddenly, I stumbled against something and almost fell. Looking at what had brought me out of my daydream, it was an old rusty oil lamp.

I kicked it aside and continued on my walk but a little voice inside me told me to go back and take a second look at the lamp. I ignored it at first, but the little voice grew louder and more persistent. Heaving a sigh, I went back. Picking up the lamp, I brushed the dirt off it to take a closer look.

Lo and behold, there was a sudden puff of smoke and something began emitting from the lamp's spout. Alarmed, I dropped the lamp and ran and hid behind a tree. Suddenly a loud, booming voice was heard,


Trembling, I emerged from behind the tree and there before me was the biggest genie I have ever seen, or rather I had ONLY seen.

Seeing my shock, the genie spoke in a softer, kinder tone.

"I have been trapped in this lamp for five thousand years. Now, thanks to you, I have my freedom. To show you my gratitude, let me grant you five wishes. What are the top 5 treats that you would like at this very moment?"

My head reeled at the thought. I said to the genie the first thing that came into my mind, "How about a bowl of the yummiest, most delicious ice cream in the world?"

"Done!" said the genie and there appeared before me a luscious bowl of ice cream. This certainly made up for all the ice cream I missed when I was pregnant! :)

"What else, mistress?"

"Well," I said, "My fingernails and toenails have been sadly neglected since Baby was born. Could you do something about it?"

Lo and behold, I found myself in a nail salon with two pretty ladies all prepared to give me a beautiful manicure and pedicure.

"Ah, this is the life!" I thought.

"Now, now" the genie said. "This can't be all that you wish for! You underestimate my powers!"

So I said, "I wish for a shopping spree with unlimited resources!"

Suddenly I found myself in a huge shopping mall with every store that you can name available.

"Shop till your heart's content, and don't worry about the cost!" said the genie.

If only we could hear those words everyday! So I did. I had the best retail therapy I have ever had, and that included buying cute little outfits for Baby! Never mind that she will outgrow them in 3 months :)

The genie then asked me, "Of all the cities in the world which you have not visited, where would you like to go the most?"

Instantaneously I replied, "New York City!"

The words had not even left my mouth when I found myself standing in the middle of Times Square. I have always wanted to visit NYC and I was here! Not wasting any moment, I walked the streets of Manhattan, watched a show on Broadway, took a ferry to Ellis Island to see the famed Statue of Liberty, and best of all, to soak in the New York City skyline at night.

Arriving home, the genie asked, "So how was your trip?" I just beamed and told him that I could never repay him enough for his generosity.

"Ah", said the genie, "you forget that you have one more wish left. What shall it be?"

"Well", I said, "I would really really like the Inspiron 13 from Dell™. Its smooth round edges and crisp clean lines are simply designed to inspire. The colours are really beautiful as well with the Alpine White, Obsidian Black and Cherry Red designs."

"The enhanced wireless supports up to 802.11n connections. Plus the Dell™ Webcam Central lets me video chat with friends and family with amazing ease. The screen is 13.3 inches, to be exact. Also the 16:9 widescreen format means I never have to squint or lean up close to use the Inspiron 13. Saves my poor eyes!"

"For high-definition performance, I just need to add the optional ATI Radeon™ HD 4330graphics card, and hook up to a LCD TV using the one-cord HDMI connection to enjoy true high-definition cinematic experience. Last but not least, it delivers 50% more performance and the Intel® Centrino® 2 processor technology lets me multitask at a whole different level."

"Best of all, I can blog anywhere and everywhere about my life and my little princess!"

"So genie, please can I have the Inspiron 13 from Dell™"?

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