October 4, 2009

Hannah rolls over

I was sick last week. I had fever and diarrhea, but despite all that I was still my cheerful self! Anyway, I am much better now; thank you everyone for your prayers for me.

On Saturday afternoon, I gave Mummy such a surprise. She put me down on my back on the bed and she went to take a shower. When she came out of the shower, she found me on my tummy! She quickly called Daddy to come and see and they put me back on my back again. True enough, I rolled over from my back to my tummy.

Earlier on, I managed to do it with a little bit of help such as Mummy or Daddy gently pushing my backside when I wanted to turn. Then I would be able to turn but my hand would get stuck and I would shout for help. This time, I did it all by myself and my hand did not get stuck anymore.

Mummy and Daddy took a video of my achievement and they were very proud of me. Please pardon the "wardrobe malfunction", however. (Don't worry, nothing R-rated! :p) My lampin must have come untied while I was trying to turn. It's hard work, you know!


  1. Thanks Ida! I was looking back on your blog at when Esrene also rolled over and her expression and Hannah's is the same after they have achieved it! Haha..it's like they themselves are in wonder of what they have just done :)

  2. Wow, Hannah did great! An achievement to be proud of. She'll be rolling everywhere soon, a little future gymnast ;)
    ~ Audrey

  3. Audrey: Thanks! Yes she definitely will be rolling everywhere. This morning we woke up and she had already turned on her tummy and was looking everywhere wide awake. Need to keep our eyes on her all the time from now onwards! :)

  4. When I can have 180 degree panoramic view I don't think I enjoy the ceiling only view anymore ??????

    Miss Hannah Lim

  5. hahaha Hannah, Good Job! next playing on ur tummy and start crawling! :) ahhahaha

  6. Mummy: Sometimes after she rolls over she doesn't like being on her tummy for long so we have to turn her on her back again. I suppose she likes to see the ceiling once in awhile ;)

    YS: Aiyo..by that time her parents "bo eng" d lo..heheh..



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