October 9, 2009

Butterfly kisses

Look at what Mummy bought me when she went shopping yesterday. It's a Lamaze toy, Freddy the Firefly! Isn't he so bright and colourful? :) Actually Mummy thought at first he was a butterfly because he looks more like one than a firefly! The reason Mummy bought him for me was because I love my butterfly curtain in my room. Whenever Daddy or Mummy say "butterfly, butterfly" and bring me near the curtain, I will reach out my hands and try to catch the butterflies :)

So I was very happy with Freddy the Firefly, even though I tried to eat him! :) Then later in the evening, I was also very happy when Daddy played with me! See how happy I am? Daddy making funny faces amuses me very much!

Mummy's note: Speaking of butterflies and daddies, and looking at the bond between Hannah and her daddy, it reminded me of this very beautiful and touching song by Bob Carlisle where he describes the relationship between a daddy and his daughter. Even though my sister and I are now adults, we'll always be our daddy's little girls and I'm sure Hannah will always be her daddy's little girl no matter how big she is :) Listen and enjoy! :)


  1. Beautiful Sweetheart you will always be your Daddy's little girl even when you become a grandma........ God Bless and we love you very much

  2. Very beautiful Angeline! Thanks a lot for sharing...
    This is the beauty of parent's love. We understand even more after we become parents ourselves.



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