Looking back at the hundreds of photos we have posted on our blog, these are a a few of our favourites, so here's a recap from the time that she was born until now.
This is still one of our favourites..when Daddy could almost hold her in the palm of his hand and she opened her eyes and looked at the world for the first time.
This was taken by Adventist Hospital to be put on their website. We had this enlarged and it is sitting on the TV cabinet at home. We like it very much because of the bright colours and how she managed to open both her eyes (although not very widely) to take the picture.

We dressed her up in a new outfit for her full moon celebration and she had this cheeky look on her face, at barely one month old! :)
Our little princess of "Rock n Roll" :)
I like this one because she was actually looking at the camera, and Mummy and Baby both giving pretty smiles :)

This was a funny one..our little "kung fu" warrior princess! :) (She was asking to be carried, I believe)
Her eyes are full of expression, and we especially love those eyebrows!
Another funny one..she is deep in thought while fast asleep!
Holding her bottle steadily for the first time. Nowadays she treats it as a game; whenever she is full she will start playing with the bottle, putting it in and out of her mouth.
Posing for Mummy in her pretty batik dress:
Another cute outfit: Little English girl :) I think she can't wear this dress anymore, it was a bit tight then as it was. Just goes to show how much she has grown.
Her first "real" big smile :)

I like the way she is holding her Ducky in this photo..sort of giving Ducky lots of TLC! :)
This was a favourite for a lot of people - "Baby Hannah and her Kiwi". Thanks again Jess for the lovely present all the way from New Zealand!

Pooh is still one of her favourite toys. Until today her face will light up and she will give a big smile whenever she sees Pooh.
Full of excitement - she was laughing out loud in this picture :)
Again, the expression in her eyes in this picture is exquisite. If there were a suitable baby photo contest, I would probably submit this one as an entry.

And here she is, aspiring to be the next supermodel! :)
We love you Hannah and we look forward to many more beautiful photos of you as you grow up!
Her deep thought photos are still so cute.... thinking till fall asleep? or fall asleep but still thinking? :P
Haha..good question..I also don't know! Can be either one I guess :)