So anyway, Mummy had her small camera in her handbag so they decided to snap some photos of me making funny faces while waiting for the food. Sorry for the extra bright lights in some of the photos - non-professional mah :p
This is one of my favourite things to do nowadays - twist my lips like this. Mummy doesn't even know how I can do that; she herself can't do it. You will see me doing this when people ask me to do "flying kiss". My kiss doesnt "fly" however, because I have not mastered the hand action yet so I will just smack my lips :)
In this photo I am trying to blow bubbles, or rather generously give everyone "showers of blessing" when my saliva flies everywhere. Mummy is trying to cut me of the habit. She says she doesn't know where I pick up these things from.
Here I was trying to tell Mummy and Daddy something. I have a very loud voice, you should hear it.
I was also asking a lot of questions. I can't talk yet, but I can make a lot of "question-like" sounds. Just yesterday, my toy rolled under the TV cabinet. Mummy and Daddy didn't notice so I made my "question" sounds and then they helped me to retrieve the toy. Good-leh :)
Now I am asking where is my food?!
I don't like to wait too long...
Oh well, perhaps I should take a nap while waiting! :p I do this whenever people say "or-or" (sleep). I will lay down my head and pretend to sleep :)
Hannah so big girl already! Time flies.