It was a last minute decision, since her cousins came over for swimming, so we did not prepare any float for her. However, she in fact has 2 swimming costumes. The one she is wearing below was given by Sue and she has another 2-piece suit given by another good friend.
So, before going in - to test the water - one leg in first.
As curious as always - she was trying to put her fingers into the holes.
Okay, now she is ready to go in! Since she did not have a float, Daddy became her "float". Haha.
She was so excited, kicking her feet and waving her arms, but I did not manage to get it on camera.
She especially liked the jacuzzi - kicking her feet all the way.
Overall, she thoroughly enjoyed herself. Since it was the first time, she was only allowed about 15 minutes in the pool and then it was time to get out so as not to get a chill. There were big howls of protest when I carried her out because she wanted to play longer, but we assured her there would be "next time if Hannah is a good girl".
Perhaps this weekend we will take her again to a different pool at our other home. More photos to come then! :)
Get Hannah some arm floats but still need to have an adult be with her because the air in the float can escape . There are some that has a safety float ( a 2nd float attached to the main float as a back up).
ReplyDeleteShe does love the water.