She was my mother's classmate in Johor for many years and one of her best friends. She is a retired school principal and thereafter spent 2 years working in Shanghai for an international school. She is now a staff worker with the Teachers' Christian Fellowship (TCF) so she came to give a talk at the teachers' college here. She came with another TCF member, Aunty Siew Leng.
On one of their off days, we took them for sight-seeing around Penang. Aunty Johnson is very big on heritage and now that she lives in KL, she is a member of Badan Warisan Kuala Lumpur (I think that's what it's called). On one of her previous trips to Penang, she took the heritage walk around old Penang. However, there was one place which she had not been so we took her there - Suffolk House.
Suffolk House was an old colonial mansion which housed some of Penang's early governors, including Francis Light. It was terribly ruined until restoration works began and were completed in 2007. Part of the house has been converted into a fine dining restaurant, which is where Hubby took me on my birthday last year.
So anyway, this would also be the first time that we took a tour of the house since we did not do so the last time. This is also the first time here for Hannah. She was pretty excited running around the house. She even went into one of the displays and we had to hurriedly ask her to come out before the people who worked there saw her!
Look at her - the typical tourist. Do you think she can actually read the guide brochure? :p
This is Hannah with Aunty Johnson and Aunty Siew Leng who was carrying her. She took quite a liking to Aunty Siew Leng. Aunty Johnson says it's because she teaches Sunday School :)
Outside Suffolk House:
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