At 18 months, Hannah has learnt many things. Her favourite thing nowadays is to repeat everything you say, therefore beware of saying any $%&# as she will be quite likely to repeat it after you! She also makes sure that all attention is on her when she is talking. For example, she recently has this obsession with buses, and she will say "baasss, baass" whenever she sees one. If nobody pays attention to her, this is what happens, "Mimi, MIMI, baasss, BASSSS!" And you have to respond, "Yes Hannah, clever girl, that is a bus". Of course, it doesn't only apply to buses, it goes for everything else that she says too! Full attention must be given to her at all times :)
She can say plenty of words now, and she can count up to four and say ABC up to "C" :) She knows how to address all our family members (I am "Mimi" and not "Mami" by the way :p).
She also now knows the difference between a swimming pool and the sea. Previously whenever she saw the sea on our way to work along the Jelutong Expressway (Oops, it is now the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway), she would say "pool". Now she says "sea" and she adds on to it "nice" :)
Well, it has been indeed very "nice" having Hannah as part of our family for the last 18 months. You are half way to 2 years old little Hannah, Mummy (or Mimi) and Daddy love you very much!
Happy 18 months old Hannah!