Hubby: Hannah, say "Daddy".
Hannah: "Papa!"
Hubby: Say "Daddy!"
Hannah: "PAPA!"
Hubby: "DADDY!"
Hannah: "PAPA!"
And so it goes on until she finally reluctantly says "Deh" or "Dee". It can be quite funny to watch.
She also can form sentences when prompted; for example I asked her to repeat after me: "Please Mummy, I want ping-ping (biscuit)". Hannah's version: "Psss Mummy, Aiwan ping-ping!"
She can also count one to ten by repeating after us:
"Awan, Ku, Dee, Ahfor, Fie, Sisss, Aven, Aite, Nie, Aten!"
She can also ask for "milk milk" and say that she is "mei-mei" (pretty) when dressed up nicely or her hair is tied up nicely.
She is also becoming very independent, wanting to do things on her own. For example, she wants to wear her own shoes, take off her own clothes for bath-time, and eat on her own. She has developed the idea that eating on her own, without being fed, is fun. Here she is imitating eating with her own cup and spoon.
Whenever we go out to eat nowadays, we will give her a plastic plate, a spoon and little morsels of food on her plate/bowl. With that she is content to sit quietly and eat, otherwise neither of us can eat in peace!
Happy 16 months to you Hannah and we love you!
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