Daddy and Mummy said that at first it was strange to go home and see my empty bassinet, but they have to let me go at some point. I probably will leave home when I grow up. But not so soon la so Daddy and Mummy don't worry ya. Haha.
Anyway, this morning Daddy and Mummy woke up early so that Mummy could come to see me early in the morning. (I think the truth is that they couldn't sleep that well without me around :p Aren't they funny? With me around also cannot sleep, without me around also cannot sleep :p) Nanna told Mummy that I was a very good girl and did not make a fuss last night. I only woke up once at 3.30 for my milk, played for a while and went back to sleep. In fact I was sleeping most of this morning as well.
I quite enjoy staying with Nanna and Gong Gong. They play with me and sing to me. So after they come back from KL next week, Daddy and Mummy says I can stay with them until they go back to Australia.
Gong Gong took some pictures of me with them:
I was fast asleep..Nanna tried to wake me up but I was too sleepy
This is my Ee Ee and me
Nanna and me
Nanna, Gong Gong and me. The ang pow is from Nanna and Gong Gong's friends Uncle Bob and Aunty Teresita from Australia. Thank you Uncle Bob and Aunty Teresita!
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