I suppose I have been used to being with her most of the time, if not all of the time, day and night. Gradually I will get accustomed to this new routine, waking up extra early so that I have enough time to pump breastmilk, to shower, get dressed and to still have time to have breakfast with Hubby.
I think I know now what it means when people say that your life changes after having a baby. Everything revolves pretty much around her. We can't just go out and do whatever we want anymore. However, we are fortunate enough to have parents willing and very much wanting to take care of her in the event we need their help.
Now is the time to re-adjust my priorities again as work is important too. We realise that both of us need to work at this current moment in order for us to live comfortably. Milk and diapers and other baby stuff is expensive! :)
But the difference between having Hannah and not having her before is this; at the end of a long day at work, we look forward to going home because we know she is there waiting for us.
Hannah, Mummy misses you!

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