I like to sit outside the front door while waiting for Mummy and Daddy to lock up, Mummy says I shouldn't sit there, but Mummy and Daddy have discovered some time ago that I am pretty strong-willed. When I want to do something, it's not easy to stop me!
See, this is my face when Mummy says "No" :p
Before Daddy went to the office, we had breakfast. Daddy bought me a muffin and here I am demonstrating how big my mouth is:
Or perhaps this is an easier way to eat??
On Sunday was also Pei Zi's full moon..she was a very sleepy baby though because she was up the whole night before and didn't want to sleep. Even when Ah Mah gave her a bath she was barely awake! After that she got all dressed in her new clothes..isn't she cute? Everybody says she is much chubbier now than when she was born :)
This is me after waking up from my nap - grumpy Hannah!
Ah Mah also bought me a new colour pencils and colouring book because I lately like to draw on paper, and almost everything else! Mummy was surprised to see pen drawings in my ears the other day!
See how hard I am concentrating:
Here are some of my happy faces. Daddy and Bryan kor-kor were making me laugh and laugh! :)
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