January 12, 2010

Crawling Hannah

Little Hannah learnt to crawl over the weekend, albeit in her own way! It's more of a "tummy crawl" rather than the usual crawling on hands and knees. She sort of drags herself forward on her tummy. Previously when she tried to crawl, she would always go backwards rather than forwards, hence we used to call it the "gostan crawl" :)

We managed to get a video of her crawling. We tempted her with some colourful shampoo bottles that she had not seen before so to get her curious. We put them a distance in front of her and asked her to go get them :)

The video below was after a few rounds of crawling back and forth so she probably was tired by then. Look at how she flopped on the bed. And then later she shook her head indicating "no, no" she doesn't want to do it anymore!


  1. Hannah clever girl. Now your mommy & daddy will be very busy :)

  2. so cuteeeeeeeeee!!! mum n dad r gonna b so busy once she's on her knees.. :P

  3. Bravo Hannah, you're doing great! You're a real cutie pie too :)
    ~ Audrey

  4. Hannah : Another feather to my cap ! I have plenty more coming so just watch out for the next video clip...



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