August 3, 2012

More of Hannah's artwork

When Hannah was at Gurney Plaza doing her sand and window art the other day, we also bought something for her to take home and do. She chose it herself - a photo frame which she needs to colour using the paint provided in the kit. Usually she enjoys going to her favourite places in the mall - rides, Toys R Us etc. However, that day, she asked us immediately once we left the sand art place, "Can we go home now?" This probably had to do with the fact that we told her that she could only paint her photo frame once we got home!

Anyway, that evening when we got home, she got her little table and chair ready and Hubby set up the paint for her. We also put one of Heidi's bigger bibs on her so that she wouldn't mess up her clothes :)

I must say she painted with full concentration - we could see it in her face :)

Hannah seems to enjoy artwork a lot. In this sense she takes after her Daddy as the artistic streak comes from him and not from me!

The photo frame is not finished yet, we left it to dry and told her she could continue it another day. Will post up the finished result here, if it gets finished and if it is not too messy looking! :)

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