April 14, 2011

Update: Good!

Remember in the last post I said that Hannah couldn't coordinate her thumb and index finger properly so her sign for "good" was pointing both fingers like a gun? Well, last night, she finally mastered it. She was twiddling her fingers and suddenly realised that she could do it. As usual, she was really excited and called out to us to see, "Daddy, Mummy, good, good!" We were also super proud of her. Funny how being parents make us beam with pride over the smallest things :)

Here was her "good" sign this morning - a little blurry cos she was excitedly waving her hand around.

Can see it clearer now, but she was not looking at the camera because she was distracted by the TV.

And again - once she discovers she can do something, she will do it over and over again :)

Blurry picture again - cheeky little girl who cannot sit still!

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