So Mummy and Daddy got me ready and put me on the sofa while they got themselves ready. I fell asleep and Daddy thought I looked so cute so he couldn't resist taking my photo.
Look at how I position my feet:
Closer look: Mummy likes this picture very much.
I was still sleeping when Mummy carried me downstairs.We waited for Daddy to drive the car to the porch so I wouldn't get rained on (it was still drizzling).
When we reached Ah Mah's house, I was still sleeping, so Daddy let me sleep on his tummy which is my favourite position:
Can see that I am fast asleep! Do you wonder what I am dreaming of?
I finally woke up after a nice long nap!'s nice to be a baby..sleep and eat, sleep and eat :)
wah daddy looks 10 yrs older already.... must be fun taking care of baby Hannah :)