February 17, 2015

My 34th

I celebrated by 34th birthday one week ago, yes I'm that old! Sometimes it's hard to believe that I'm almost halfway to three score and ten but it's a fact haha.

I had a few birthday celebrations this year, the first being with my colleagues. They celebrated with me the week before as I usually make it a point to take leave on my birthday :) We had a Japanese lunch, and when we got back to the office, they surprised me with a lovely cake.

Then on the weekend before my birthday, my parents took us to one of my favourite restaurants, Mario's at Batu Ferringhi, and I had my favourite lobster thermidor.

Lemon cheesecake for my birthday cake. I don't usually like cheesecake but this was quite lemony and delicious.

On my actual birthday itself, Hubby took me for breakfast brunch at this little cafe called Gusto at Hillside, Tanjung Bungah. 

And in the evening, we had a fancy dinner with our friends at Macalister Mansion.

And and just to "tumpang" this post, we usually don't celebrate Valentine's Day since we got married - Hubby says that we now celebrate our wedding anniversary instead of Valentine's Day lol. But anyway, on Feb 13 when Hannah got home from school, she was very secretive and didn't let anyone open her homework pouch as she said she had a "surprise" for us. The next morning, the first she did when she got up was to open her pouch and take out this lovely card which she made in school for us.

It's now stuck on our fridge together with her other "masterpieces" :)

Thank you all my dear family and friends for the lovely week!


  1. You have one more on the 6th day of Chinese New Year that is your Chinese Birth Date..............so one more coming up..........



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