May 13, 2009

Outing with Baby Sarah

Last night Hubby and I took Sue and Baby Sarah for dinner. Sue is actually my father's cousin's wife, which would make Sarah my cousin and would make her Baby's aunt! Okay okay too confusing :p It is rather strange though that an 11 month old baby can be an aunt! Haha..

Anyway, we had a nice dinner at Manhattan Fish Market, Queensbay Mall. Sarah was engrossed in her Baby Bites while we had our meal. However, she took the time to pose for some photographs. According to her mother, she loves to take photos :)

Baby Sarah and her Baby Bites

Baby Sarah and Sue

Daddy-in-training :)

After dinner, we went jalan-jalan around the mall. Hubby offered to carry her so we girls could do some shopping. Sarah was fascinated by many things before she finally fell asleep on his shoulder.

B, this was just practice. Not too long now before the real thing!



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