On Saturday morning, we all woke up early because we had to be in time for the "chiap sin niao" (receiving the bride). This usually involves a lot of silly games played by the bride's "ji mui" (bridesmaids) in which the groom and his groomsmen have to play in order to reach the bride who is patiently waiting inside the room. We had a lot of fun watching Uncle Justin do funny things (amongst them was a head-stand) and I laughed and clapped along even though I did not really know what was going on! :)
Before the groom arrived, Daddy, Mummy and I took a picture with Christine Ku-Ku.
After the tea ceremony at the bride's house, there was to be a church ceremony at St Anne's Church at Bukit Mertajam. We had to cross the bridge, so it was quite a long drive and I slept in the car on the way there. We were a bit late because of a slight traffic jam but I still continued to sleep all through the ceremony. When it was over and the bride and groom walked out of the church, the little flower girls threw confetti over them. Daddy got a nice shot of it:
We took a family photo outside the church but I was still fast asleep!
After the ceremony, we went opposite to a chinese restaurant for lunch. I woke up then, just in time to eat, and I ate a nice lunch of rice, tofu and chicken.
When we got home I had another nap, and when I got up, it was time to get ready for the wedding dinner at Trader's Hotel. See my nice outfit and little hat. Of course, the hat did not stay on for long. I was a bit cranky and did not want to change because Mummy woke me up from my sleep to get ready. So in order to get me to co-operate, I got a nice lollipop! :) Mummy says I will not get it all the time though, so don't hope too much!
I had fun running around the stage and dance floor at the hotel. When the band was playing and everybody was dancing, I joined in too! Unfortunately, there are no photos because when Mummy wanted to take a photo, I collided with a little boy and we bumped heads. I then cried very loudly and Mummy had to comfort me. So no more dancing for me.
I recovered very fast though and was my cheeky self once more soon after that:
Christine Ku-Ku and Uncle Justin cut the cake before the "yam seng" (toast). Speaking of which, I can say "yam seng" too! I did not really know what was going on but when everybody said "yam seng" I said it too! All the people around me found it very amusing :)
We also managed to take lots and lots of photos, but since they can't all be posted here, here are some of our family:
Top left: Mummy and Ah Cik
Top right: Ah Gong and I
Bottom left: Daddy and all his siblings
Bottom right: Daddy and Mummy

It was a fun day and we were glad that the next day was Sunday so we could all get a good rest, except for poor Mummy that she had to work the next day.
Looking forward to my next wedding! :)