May 19, 2009

Nesting instinct

I am not sure if this is scientifically proven, or is just a myth, but it has been said that as labour draws near, many women will experience a nesting instinct which is an urge to clean and tidy the home in preparation for the new baby.

In my case however, it seems that this nesting instinct is not so strong in myself, but rather in my hubby. He has spent the last weekend cleaning up the whole house and preparing the baby's room. We never knew that one small apartment could take up so much time cleaning it. Anyway, finally everything is spick and span and ready for Baby. He was worried that Baby might come before he could get everything ready, but last night he finally told Baby that she can come anytime now :)

Baby's new big girl wardrobe was also delivered yesterday. It looks like this:

Red and white

For hanging clothes

Storage space at the bottom

Storage space at the side

So many shoes for one small baby!

People may be wondering what is that red ladybug thing at the side of the wardrobe:

We saw it one day at Jaya Jusco and Hubby thought it was very cute. We are going to use it to put Baby's laundry because we don't want to mix our clothes with hers. Also, it matches the wardrobe :)


  1. Remember In England Mary Ellen's mother Hazel said one day I never knew a girl with that many shoes. You outgrew your shoes so quickly that we kept buying you shoes and my your baby is even better she already has that many even before she is born.




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