Christmas we were practically house-bound as Daddy got a nasty gout attack which made him unable to walk. So we basically spent the day at home and as we couldn't go out to party, the party came to us! :) All my aunts and cousins came over in the evening to have a small party and for us kids to exchange gifts. But before that, it was present-opening time!
This was me just woken up and pointing to the Christmas tree. I was asking Mummy if we could open the presents now.
Look at some of my lovely presents - Story books, dinosaur book and bible stories from Daddy and Mummy; Dora Advent Calendar from Nanna and Gong Gong and also a Leapfrog Letter Discoveries from Daddy and Mummy. Mummy redeemed that with her HSBC credit card points so although she did not have to pay for it, she said that technically it was the most expensive gift considering the amount that she had already spent to get those points! Besides that, I also got a box of yummy goodies and stickers from Ling Ku Ku.

Daddy and Mummy got some nice presents too. The one on the extreme right has become mine instead of Mummy's as I use it more often than her! :) All my favourite games (especially Angry Birds) are on it :)

Mummy liked this present best - a handmade card from me and Daddy (of course Daddy made it). How sweet!
In the evening, before the guests arrived, Mummy changed me into a pretty new dress and tied my hair.
The hair ties are from Nanna. They have got little bells on them so I jingle when I walk. I told Mummy "I sound like Jingle Bells!"
Here are all us younger kids - we sure enjoyed playing in my room.
After some time had passed, all the toys were all over the house, even on the stairs!
Big smiles all around:
Here are all us kids waiting for the gift exchange.
We did it by drawing numbers.
My gift was from Brian Kor Kor.
It was a nice purple-striped towel! Look how happy I am.
Mummy prepared party packs for the kids. Pink princess ones for the girls and blue Mickey Mouse ones for the boys.
I was sure in a party mood :)
And it looks like so was Ah Cik. There was an extra party pack so Daddy gave it to the biggest kid in the room :p
And before going to bed that night, there was one more present from Suk Fen Ku Ku, Uncle Sam and Melissa. It was a collection of princess books!
I love all my presents - thank you everyone for a lovely Christmas. This will probably be the last post of the year, so here's wishing everyone a very blessed Christmas and happy 2012!