She just loves anything and everything which has a steering wheel. Notice Daddy's hand putting in another token!
She even made a little friend there who kept asking her to look at the camera when she was too engrossed in playing. They were a pretty cute pair.
The good mood continued until the next morning, as you can see...
The night before at Queesnbay, we bought her a beach toy set (bucket, spade, etc.) and it was only RM10.00. Included in the set was a toy watering can. Every morning, she likes to help Daddy water the plants, so now she has her very own watering can to do it.
Good way to teach her to do chores at home..haha..
But it's always more fun to put it in her mouth, as usual!
Oh yes, this is also another of her chores: helping to feed the fish every morning and evening. We wanted to have an aquarium at home for some time now, so we finally got this from Chew Thean Yeang. Hannah got very excited when we were buying it so now she knows how to give the fish "mum-mum" whenever she sees them. The only problem is, she always wants to give them "mum-mum" so we have to explain to her that the fish are full and cannot always "mum-mum"!
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