Look at her face when she woke up on her birthday morning, big smiles all around. She seemed to know that it was a special day!

We paid a visit to Ah Gong for lunch and Hannah had fun playing water with Ah Gong.

She seemed to know that something was coming up in the evening so she absolutely refused to nap the entire day. She had a nap for about half an hour and that was it! We were quite worried that she may not last until the party but she was her usual active self. We dressed her up in her pretty dress and tried to get a nice photo but she was wriggling, hence the blur photo :p

She also wore new shoes for the ocassion, nice or not? :)

We were initially scouting around for a few venues to hold the birthday party and we finally decided on this place:

We had our wedding reception at Tanjung Bungah Beach Hotel and we were quite satisfied overall with the event so we decided to come back here for Hannah's birthday. However, since this was a more casual function, we used the outdoor "Pantai Terrace" as the venue. They set it up quite nicely, even though it was only for 32 people.

The backdrop we paid extra for because they only had black lettering. Black lettering on a white background is not really suitable for a birthday (not really pantang-lah) but just not nice. So we asked them to do this and paid RM2.50 extra per letter. However, the result was nice so we did not complain. Also, we got to take back the letters (since we paid for them!) and we plan to re-use them at home this weekend when we have another small party for my father's side of the family.

This was the cake we ordered from Jenni cake house. Hubby initially really really liked Ida's jungle theme birthday cake and cupcakes but since she lives in Melbourne, we got this instead. It did not disappoint and the chocolate cake inside was yummy too! Jenni made all of Hannah's favourite animals, cow, ducks and tortoise.

This was the clown that I bargained with the hotel people for free. He came out for about half an hour and gave out balloons to the kids and made funny faces. He was quite a hit. We were worried that Hannah may be frightened but she loved it! Even while taking photos she kept looking at the clown and wanting to grab his colourful hat!

Soon it was cake cutting time and everyone was singing "Happy Birthday" to Hannah. She even clapped along at times ;)

And then she blew out her number one candle, with Daddy's help of course. Her little puffs were not strong enough to put out the candle.

And all three of us cut the cake together:

We took quite a lot of photos (can be viewed on my Facebook) but this one was a photo taken with both sides of grandparents.

Amazingly enough, as soon as the cake-cutting and photo session was over, Hannah immediately went to sleep on her Ah Mah's lap. She seemed to know that the important part was over and she can now have her nap! Poor baby must be really tired after not having slept the whole day.

But she woke up about an hour later, so we decided to open her presents! There were not that many, since she also got a lot of ang pows. But she had fun opening those that she had. The first one she chose was the present from Uncle Szu-Fu and Aunty Hooi Lee.

It was an animal book with all her favourite animals! Good choice :)

There was also another book about a little duckling and the book could go "quack quack". She didn't want to stop pressing the little button.

Besides that, she also got a tortoise from Aunty Ai Nee and Uncle Kee Siak! Look at her face when she saw the colorful tortoise! The book I am holding behind her is also one of her presents - from Aunty Han Nii.

All in all, it was a fun day and she fell asleep in the car again on the way home.
Happy birthday little princess from your Mummy and Daddy and we love you very much!