July 31, 2013

Heidi's first passport

Hannah applied for her Malaysian passport when she was 15 months old back in year 2010. However, the procedure had changed slightly since 3 years ago. I wanted to also apply early for Heidi because there is a special queue given to children below 2 years old so that we do not need to wait that long. Thanks to my friend Shu-Yin who also applied for a passport for her baby, I managed to get all the necessary information from her blog post so I was well prepared with all the required documents.

The special queue only starts giving out numbers at 8.30 am so I was there sharp with Heidi. The officer checked all my documents and gave me a number. Hubby dropped us as he had to go to court so thought that he could come and pick us up after that since he only had a quick matter. Surprisingly, about 5 minutes after dropping us, my number was already called up. I then went to the counter and the man processed my documents. We were done by 9.00 am after I waited to make payment so I had to call my mother in law to come and pick us up.

Anyway, see Heidi's passport picture next to Hannah's passport picture, both taken at 15 months. I think they look the same (except for the hair of course :p)


  1. yes, reaching there at 8am sharp is juz perfect! :)

  2. Thanks for all the info on your blog. It was really useful :)



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