June 19, 2013

Heidi @ 14 months

Baby Heidi (no longer a baby actually!) is now 14 months, coming to 15 months. She is a cheerful, happy go lucky baby and all too cute when she flashes her signature grin! Amazingly enough, she has 16 teeth (8 upper and 8 lower) which is way more advanced than Hannah at 14 months. So it's no longer a toothless grin, and she can eat most things, munching away with all those teeth.

Vocabulary and speaking wise, she is still slower than Hannah, but what she cannot say with her mouth, she points with her finger! And she understands everything we say to her, do this, take this etc. She can also make signs for "no" - either shaking her head or wagging her index finger (she knows the difference by the way, shaking her head for something she doesn't want and wagging her finger for something she knows she's not supposed to do) and "shhh" when she's supposed to be quiet, besides the usual "bye bye" and "flying kiss" which she could do much earlier. She can also imitate very well - if I stick out my tongue she will do the same, if i do the sign for "stinky", she will do the same ;) If I say "cold" she will put both her hands on her cheeks. I did that for her one day when she was standing in front of the open refridgerator and she remembered that her hands were cold when she put them on her cheeks. She can also do the sign for "no more" when she has finished her food. Speaking of food, she can now (finally!) hold her own milk bottle. She could actually do it much earlier but she was probably just lazy too laid-back to do so ;) The words that she can say now are "ah-mah", "ah-gong", "deh-deh" (for daddy), "ko-ko", "jie-jie" "mum-mum" "nen-nen".

She can also walk quite steadily now since about 13 months so no more crawling for her. She still falls on her bottom quite a bit, but she picks herself up quickly with no fuss, unless she realises someone is watching her and then she will make her "pitiful" face ;) With all the walking around, she has lost quite a bit of her baby fat and chubby cheeks.

Don't grow up too quickly Heidi - Mummy misses her little baby!

1 comment:

  1. Nanna and Gong Gong miss you Dear Heidi and Hannah.



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