March 22, 2013

Busy, busy!

I have been really busy the last few weeks, so no time to update my blog! Heidi has been growing really rapidly these past few weeks, and her latest milestone is being able to stand on her own unaided for a few seconds, before she drops back down on her knees. Hannah took her first few steps just days after her first birthday, so we'll see pretty soon if Heidi will follow in her Jie-Jie's footsteps, literally! :)

Hannah is enjoying school and she won an award recently for having the most stickers at the end of the month. The stickers were given out to the kids based on how well they emulated the character lesson taught for that month. So Hannah won the award for "attentiveness". We were all proud of our little girl and she was pretty pleased with herself too! :)

Heidi is now quite demanding, and she knows exactly what she wants, and will protest loudly if she doesn't get it! She can point using her index finger, so now she points to everything she wants, and it's mostly food! A few weeks ago, we also discovered that she can now drink from a straw, so we bought her her own sippy cup and now she loves drinking water. For this, she is more advanced than Hannah as Hannah could only drink from a straw when she was one plus

We took the girls to Gurney Plaza the other day, and got a picture of them side by side. We didn't use to think that Heidi looked like Hannah, but now we can see similar features in the both of them.

Now that Heidi is older, both of them are also able to "communicate" better, so this was one of the rare moments that we got to see "sisterly love". I said it was probably because they were united in their liking for gigantic stuffed bears! :)

1 comment:

  1. I miss reading your Blog and have been checking daily to see any new Blog and glad I found something new this morning.
    Heidi indeed is growing super fast and she seems to know what she wants and will not give in easily.
    It is great to see both the sisters hugging and loving.
    Miss them but will soon see them.
    God Bless them both and congratulations to Hannah for her award. This is her 1st of many to come. Very proud of her.



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