After lunch, we took a walk around Gurney Plaza and Gurney Paragon and Hubby suggested to go there for dinner. The initial plan was to meet up with some of our friends, but Hubby told me in the morning that some of them could not make it, so they would treat me another day.
So in the evening, we picked up Hannah from mother-in-law's place and we went to Gurney Paragon to have Itallianies for dinner. Gurney Paragon is quite nicely done up and Hannah was very happy to see the water features and little fountains.

She wore the dress that "Uncle Tee-Ven" bought for her again and since there was a huge space for her to run around, she danced here and there and twirled her skirt like a flamenco dancer :)

When we got to the entrance of Itallianies, we saw quite a long line waiting outside and I thought that we may not be able to have dinner there after all. To my surprise, Hubby walked straight it and I saw our friends already there, seated by the window. It was a lovely surprise and they told me that they were using the menus to hide their faces so that I didn't see them :)
The girls and guys:

We ordered quite a lot of food, and in big portions too! The pizza was enormous - 16 inch (which is about the size of some car tyres :p) and the stuffed mushrooms were delicious. I especially liked the Sicilian chicken salad because it was a twist of the usual Caesar's salad with grapes and mango cubes tossed in. Kids eat for free at Itallianie's (just like at Chilli's or TGIF), but when Hannah saw her kid's meal, she asked "What is this? I want the normal one!" "Normal" to her means regular french fries and not grilled potato wedges like they serve at Itallanies. Nevertheless, she enjoyed her fried fish and finished almost all of it.

Since it was my birthday, we also had a complimentary cake (or rather bread pudding). It was also very good.

We also got one of the waiters to take a nice picture of all of us.

Gurney Paragon at night is really nice too, as they have the dancing fountain with lights. Hannah was super excited to see it.

Hannah was running around, trying to touch the water without getting herself wet, but she stopped long enough to take a photo with Szu Fu and Hooi Lee.

We left around 11 pm that night and Hannah slept in the car on the way home. Preparing our tummies for the next day!