September 5, 2011

"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"

We have discovered that Hannah can now sing whole nursery rhymes by herself and the one that she can sing the best is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Most of the time she does it sub-consciously, when she thinks that no one is listening or watching. Once she finds out that we are, she will be very self-conscious and refuse to sing. As such, getting these 2 videos were no easy task!

Her version of "ABC" is quite funny too, but we haven't managed to get a video of it yet. She sings it like this:

"A B C D E F G, H I J K N O N O P (she doesn't know "L" and "M" :p) Q R S T see movie (" T U V") W X Y Z"

We find the "see movie" part quite hilarious :) She also knows "Humpty Dumpty", "Row Row Row Your Boat" and "Jack and Jill". Not perfect yet, but she's almost there with the words.

Here are a few photos of our little princess:

Kiss for Mummy:


  1. she sings so well.

    I just started teaching Shern nursery rhymes about 1-2 weeks ago.
    hope he can sing so well as Hannah! ;)

    Btw, do u plan to send Hannah to Chinese Primary School or Kebangsaan?

  2. Thanks Shu-Yin! :) Yes I also saw your video where Shern can sing the last word..Hannah used to do that too a few months ago, so now she has "graduated" to singing the whole song. I'm sure Shern will be able to do so as well soon :) We haven't actually decided on the school, but unlikely to be a Chinese school since both myself and my hubby are Chinese illiterate :p We are just afraid that we may not be able to help her with her school work, and there is really a lot of homework for Chinese schools!



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