August 18, 2011

Reading at Borders

Hannah has recently developed a liking for books. So as yesterday was a public holiday here in Penang, we took her to Queensbay Mall to "jalan-jalan". Since she told us "Hannah want to buy story-book" we headed to Borders to see if there were any good buys.

In Borders there is corner for kids to sit and read, much like in a library. There were a whole lot of kids sitting down there so Hannah felt right at home. Immediately she picked up a few books, sat down and began to look at them.

Oops, the book is upside down, but she was telling us that this is a "cow" :)

Happy Hannah with her books!

My mother taught me to read using the Ladybird "Peter and Jane" series. They had it at Borders but the price was really really expensive - RM10 per book! We'll just have to see if we can borrow it and not buy. In the end, we left without buying anything, but Hannah was happy just to sit there and look at the books.

Hannah can also talk really well nowadays and the things she says are pretty funny too.

First scenario (at my in-law's place):

Hannah to Daddy: I want to play car-car!

Daddy to Mummy: Is there anywhere for her to play car around here?

Mummy to Daddy: I don't think there is, unless we bring her to G-u-r-n-e-y or Q-u-e-e-n-s-b-a-y (spelling out the words)

Hannah then piped up : Queensbay lor!

Second scenario - Hannah was playing with a tap head which she found in my in-law's place:

Hannah to Mummy: Mummy, look and see what is inside.

Mummy (peering inside the tap): I can't see anything.

Hannah: Mummy, look and see if got spider inside!

I was trying to think why on earth would she say that there might be a spider inside. Then it dawned on me - "Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the water spout".

Kids say the darndest things :p

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