All Hannah's cousins have become Angry Birds fans so the other day, her cousin Candice had an Angry Birds birthday cake and all the kids wore Angry Birds t-shirts. Hannah did not have a t-shirt that day because Hubby's sister who bought the shirts for them could not get one in her size, except for a black colour shirt which was not so nice.
So the other day, when I took her shopping at Tesco, we passed by a stall selling Angry Birds t-shirts. They had shirts in her size in bright colours such as red, orange and blue. She chose this red one and insisted on wearing it the moment we got home. She paraded around the house saying "Angry Bird, Angry Bird" :)
I asked her to pose and as usual she made the "peace" sign :)
She refused to take it off thereafter so she wore it to sleep. She also told me "Mummy, I want the blue, orange Angry Birds" (referring to the t-shirts) :p
As always, all sorts of expressions!