The first is that I no longer need my "chut-chut" (pacifier) when I sleep - hooray! These 3 weeks that Nanna and Gong Gong looked after me at home, Nanna has trained me not to need my paficier when I want to sleep, both for afternoon nap as well as for at night. It was tough at first, and Mummy said I had "withdrawal symptoms" (I would become very cranky), but now I seem to have forgotten all about it. I even told Daddy "Nanna throw away Hannah's chut-chut".
The second is that Gong Gong and Nanna bought me a trainer seat for the toilet. I never wanted to use the toilet before this, even though I am potty trained for No. 1 (still no success yet with No. 2), but now I am excited to use the toilet and initially even wanted to go 3 times in one hour!
I love to be wrapped up in my big fluffy towel after my bath. I will automatically lift up my hands so that the towel can be wrapped around me. See how happy I am! :) Mummy says this is a priceless expression :)

Anyway, Mummy is glad that I can now use the toilet seat and no longer need my pacifier. I am a big girl now!
It was painful seeing her going without her pacifer but replaced it with lots of hugs,cuddles and kissess and soon she came to terms that she is a big girl and need not need the pacifer.
ReplyDeleteLove you heaps Hannah.
Nanna and Kung Kung