After breakfast, we made our way to the Nursing Auditorium where the class was to be conducted. We registered ourselves and were given a goodie bag with information about the talks, facilities offered by the hospital as well as some freebies. We got these:
The goodie bag
Samples of disposable diapers
More freebies
The first talk started punctually at 10.00 am and the topic was on prenatal and postnatal nutrition. It was given by one of the hospital's dietitians. She did mention that different races have different "pantang-larang" about what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten during pregnancy and after delivery, but she concluded that all kinds of food can be eaten, the key word being moderation. So I cheekily told Hubby that I can now eat watermelon, rojak and ice cream. No such luck, however! :p
The next talk on breastfeeding benefits and tecnique at 11.00 am was presented by one of the lactation nurses. She was quite amusing in her talk and demonstrated what colustrum (early milk) and mature milk looked like, besides showing us the correct method of breastfeeding and holding the baby. She also said that they encourage the baby to room-in with the mother so that she can breastfeed exclusively.
After that we proceed downstairs for a light lunch of of fried beehoon, vegetarian pohpiah and cut fruits of watermelon and honeydew (Adventist Hospital serves exclusively vegetarian food). As expected, I wasn't allowed to have any watermelon, just honeydew. So much for what the dietitian said...haha :)
Over lunch, we also had a talk by one of the companies on cord blood banking in which they store the baby's cord blood (from the unbilical cord) once the baby is born. This cord blood can be used to help cure diseases suffered by any of the baby's parents or siblings. We had heard about this before but we decided not to take it up because it is still in the research stage and there is no concrete guarantee that the cord blood will be 100% effective.
After lunch, we had a talk on baby bath demonstration. Besides learning how to bathe the baby, we were also taught how to fold nappies. The instructor then asked for four volunteers to demonstrate wearing the nappies on life-sized dolls, but for the fun of it, decided to ask the fathers to demonstrate instead of the mothers. The four fathers who went up were quite skillful though!
The last part of the first day sessions was a tour of the maternity ward. We were shown the different types of rooms; 3-bedded, 2-bedded (semi-private), private and VIP. The VIP room was really nice and it even had an LCD TV mounted on the wall. However, this would set a patient back RM3,000-00, so no need-lah. We were also shown the labour room and the waiting area for family. Fathers are allowed in the labour room, but if they did not want to go in, they had a special fathers' waiting room for them.
So all in all it was an informative first day. Day 2 report coming up.
Whahahaha! Moderation!