Our little bundle of sunshine turned 7 months old on Sunday. Where has the time gone? We thought Heidi was a very smiley baby (she was and still is) but Helene by far is the most smiley of the three girls, not to mention that those two little dimples make her smiles really bright and sunshiney!
When words are not adequate to describe, a picture paints a thousand words! Here are some of her best photos, flashing that million dollar smile. I had so many to choose from (because ALL her photos come out nice) that I can't even decide which ones to post on Instagram or FB (so as not to flood my friends' timelines with Helene pictures), let alone here! And the best thing about Helene, is that she automatically goes on "smile mode" whenever she sees the camera or phone pointed at her! So no need any coaxing to get her to smile.

Baby Helene is still enjoying Mummy's milk, but she has also added porridge, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes, bananas and a few other fruits and veges to her diet. Mummy is finding her milk supply dwindling quite a lot, but I still try to pump regularly to keep up the supply, seeing how Helene is not quite yet ready to wean and she can become very loud and cranky when she wants "nen-nen"! So far it seems to be still enough for her without having to supplement with formula, since she's also taking solids twice a day. Coupled with the fact that I've lost about 14 kg since before delivery, maybe I can go on for a couple more months ;)
She can sit up by herself, but she's not very steady yet so she still needs a bit of support. She babytalks a lot too. We were at Baskin Robbins yesterday and she was having a "conversation" with the girls behind the counter. So much so that they were so amused and said "Wah, pandai sembang ya!" (Means "wow, she is a good talker!")
She can also sit up more or less in a baby chair, so this makes things much easier now when we eat out.
It's definitely a crazy house, with a pre-schooler, toddler and infant all at home at the same time. Sometimes I do feel a bit guilty in letting the TV be the babysitter while I do chores etc.
But that very quickly turned into this! I didn't have the heart to scold when I saw how much fun they were having. I suppose that's the fun of having siblings - there's always someone to get into mischief with! (They were dancing to "hi-5" by the way)
We took them to Ananda Bahwan for dinner the other day and my dad ordered a roti tisu, that tall coned-shaped Indian bread in the picture below. The little girls were quite amazed with it. Heidi also insisted on wearing her "pavada" there so the restaurant-goers and the people who worked there were quite amused at the little Chinese girl in her Indian dress.
Stay tuned for more updates!